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Logistics became a topic for discussion in the Business World in the 1960's and 1970's and rose to prominence in the 1980's. It was truly in the 1990's; however, that Logistics began to garner the appreciation it deserved. In the twenty-first century and beyond, the creation of a sleek, flexible and effective supply and value chains will no less than define the success or failure of organizations and perhaps even entire business types.
A warehouse management system is a critical component of an effective overall Supply Chain management systems solution. Warehouse management is now, or will soon be, a must-have for every logistics operation to remain competitve.
The inbound goods must be stored properly in the warehouse in order to fully utilize the warehouse space. It will help save in the necessary expenses for the warehouse space. There are many types of storage systems in the warehouse such as pallet rack, metal racks, shelves racking, cantilever racks, record storage racks, drive-in racks and rivet racks shelving systems.
The objective of this blog is to further enhance your understanding on one of the storage systems, “Vertical and Horizontal Carousel”. This blog will bring you through the features of the carousels, cost of the carousels and the advantages and disadvantages of the carousels.
Feel free to browse around the blog! :)
2 people bothered to read:
Hey, i think it is a good effort to actually find the rating of the storage system. :) Cheerz~
By ..WaReHoUsE mOnKeYs.., at
January 21, 2007 at 3:57 PM
wow! u all manage to find the cost of the carousels system! not bad ar! useful for my fyp as i also doing on storage system. great job. =)
-Lim Say Hee aka the one MAN in the team
-Toh Hui Ying aka B2
-Sophie Chandra aka B1
-Florence Lim aka the shortest among all
-Pearlin Soh aka the tallest girl ever
-Different Warehouse and Storage Systems
-Types of Material Handling Equipments (MHE)
-Inventory Systems
-Supply Chain Logistics
-3PL and 4PL
-Long Lead Time
-High Inventory Costs
-High Obsolete Costs
-Loss Sales
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Other Informations
unity03 on Material Handling Equipment
voopz on Logistics Packaging
m-h-e-mhe on Material Handling
Temasek Polytechnic